How does Ghost immobiliser work?
The Ghost Immobiliser, designed by Autowatch, developed a device which is now market-leading in vehicle security. It aims is to protect you from car theft via key cloning, key hacking and key theft. It is the original aftermarket CAN bus Immobiliser, giving responsible vehicle owners peace of mind that your prized possession will stay on the drive where it belongs.
How Does a Ghost Immobiliser Work?
The Ghost Immobiliser is a discreet device with no key-fobs or indicators, undetectable to a car thief. It needs to be installed by an approved supplier such as Car Theft Solutions. The Ghost Immobiliser is also now TASSA verified, reaffirming its reliability. TASSA are a 3rd party group of industry experts from police and security testing backgrounds.
Is Ghost immobiliser any good?
In today’s climate, car thieves are more sophisticated than ever before, so technology has had to evolve to outsmart them. If you own an expensive vehicle, especially a keyless entry, it is only a matter of time before you become car thieves next target. In the long term and for your peace of mind, the Ghost Immobiliser is a small price to pay to prevent thieves from stealing your pride and joy in the first place.
The Ghost Immobiliser uses buttons in your vehicle such as the steering wheel, centre console or door panels to make a unique pin code which needs to be entered before you can drive the car. The engine will not start until the pin code is entered correctly. It works just as a credit card would, but even more secure as you can use up to 20 characters!
It is designed in a way that is unable to be detected by common thieves’ diagnostics or radio signals. The Ghost Immobiliser communicates with the engine control unit in the vehicle on the CAN data circuit. This stops the thief trying to bypass the system with a new key or replacing the ECU as only the correct pin code allows the vehicle to start.
Key Features of the Autowatch Ghost
- No wire cutting for safer installations
- Unique PIN code via buttons on steering wheel/dash
- Undetectable using diagnostics
- Smartphone application
- Unable to be bypassed using standard theft methods
- No radio frequency signals
- No additional fobs
- Uses the on-board CAN data network
- Silent, no relay operation
- Unique user changeable PIN code
- Service / Valet mode so the PIN code is never compromised
- Secure unique emergency code should the PIN be forgotten
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For help securing your vehicle call Car Theft Solutions today 01217522673 or book online!