Ghost Immobiliser Sutton

Advance Vehicle Security Ghost Immobiliser Sutton. Our experienced team fit this revolutionary immobilisation at a time and place suitable for you.

Ghost Fitted by Car Theft Engineers

If you live in Sutton, you are right around the corner from the Car Theft Solutions headquarters.

We are proud to have no third-party engineers. Every member of our team is hired directly so one of the huge benefits of this is we are quick on the pulse when it comes to responding to calls or fitting local Ghost Immobilisers – a huge benefit to our customers.

Range fitted with a ghost immobiliser in Sutton
Autowatch Ghost Sutton

Advanced Vehicle Security Fitted From £499

Car theft solutions are very price competitive, offering flexible payment options with 0% finance. What’s more, your expertly fitted Ghost Immobiliser fitted in Sutton, comes with a stress-free 2 year warranty.

Why have a Ghost Immobiliser in Sutton?

Sutton is a very affluent area, but this unfortunately is more of a risk to theft crime. Most car owners are aware that keyless car crime is on the rise each year. Today, thieves can use more advanced technology to break into a car undetected and often force it out of the driveway in as little as 60 seconds.

Criminals use relay box and keyless cloning methods to get transmissions from outside your home and clone them into your vehicle. This is mistaken for the owner's key and can easily be driven away, usually without your knowledge.

Having a Ghost Immobiliser fitted in Sutton eliminates this as an option because you cannot get the vehicle to move without knowing the unique pin code, set by you, the owner.

Check Out Our NEW Invisible CAN Bus Immobiliser - The Scorpion X Immobiliser

Scorpion X Series Fitted by Car Theft Solutions

Ultimate Protection Against Carjacking

Car Theft Solutions Sutton has a reputation for being professional and honest, with many recommendations due to our reputable service. We fully understand the value of your vehicle, both financially and personally. The auto watch Ghost immobiliser is the best way to protect your vehicle and provide ultimate protection against carjacking.

Radius of car theft Solutions